Tuesday, October 11, 2011

QQC 3 Mindset of Champions

"In some cultures, people who tried to go beyond their natural talent through training received sharp disapproval. You were supposed to accept your station in life. "

This quote was very odd to me, I wonder what cultures they feel like that (it didn't list any) and why would they feel like that? I mean, I guess I see what they are saying, but why wouldn't you push yourself when you are able to? No one would be nearly as good as athletics today if it wasn't for hardcore training and pushing yourself, no one wants to push themselves but they know its worth it in the end.

"Character, heart, the mind of a champion. It's what makes great athletes and its what comes from the growth mindset with its focus on self development, self-motivation, and responsibility"

This quote tied the whole story together nicely. I'm guessing that the point YOU are trying to make is that we all need to push ourselves in math (because math is a sport...) in order to succeed, giving up will get you know where, but you have to learn from your mistakes and grow rather than shut down and give up.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


"This was the first American discovered planet, and no one was going to be distracted by the thought that it was really just a distant icy dot. It was named Pluto at least partly because the first two letters made a monogram from Lowell's initials."
Along with a lot of other cool facts about pluto that i found , i thought this one was my favorite. First of all, i didnt know that none of the planets were discovered by americans and i thought it was cool that we found the farthest away one. i got really sad when someone tol dme pluto wasnt a planet anymore, i mean how can you just decide one day that its not going to be a planet? it didnt disappear, its still there! Anyways, i thought it was weird that they said that pluto got its name from a monogram of lowells initials because i did a little research and i found out that it was actually given the name by Venitia Burney because the planet's description reminded her of the Greek god Underworld which is sometimes referred to as Pluto. So i was a little confused about that but i thought it was an interesting fact that he decided to include that i cant really seem to find any more info about on the internet!

pluto facts

"A lot of astronomers believe it isnlt a planet at all, but merely the largest object so far
found in a zone of galactic debris lmown as the Kuiper belt"

"It is certainly true that Pluto doesn't act much like the other planets."

"So if Pluto really is a planet it is certainly an odd one. It is very tiny:
just one-quarter of 1 percent as massive as Earth. If you set it down on top
of the United States, it would cover not quite half the lower forty-eight

"Even at the speed of light, it would take seven hours to get to Pluto"

"The best speeds yet achieved by any human object are those of the Voyager 1 and 2
spacecraft, which are now flying away from us at about thirty-five thousand
miles an hour"

"Even so, it took them nine years to reach Uranus and a dozen to cross the orbit of Pluto"

Thursday, June 9, 2011


"weather or not atoms make life in other corners of the universe,they make plenty else; indeed, they make everything else. with out them there would be no water or air or rocks, no stars and planets, no distant gassy clouds or swirling nebulae or any of the other things that make the universe so usefully material "

I chose this quote because i really think its a good representation of how bill bryson thinks and writes. brandon had had us read a bunch of different chapters from this as well so i have gotten to see how he thinks .i always like it when he sort of explains the obvious but in a cool more interesting way. Like most people pretty much know that everything is made up of atoms but he goes off on tangents that are interesting rather than really boring. it helps the reader to stop and think wow everything really is made up of tiny tiny things and thats kind of cool and something we dont think about too much.

why does bill bryson chose to write about things that he knows most of his readers already know?